bitching and complaining about the place we love most!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

food that really sux here

i'm sick and tired of "foodies" pretending that there really is a decent bite to eat our here. please, i can't even get a good cup of joe, a decent muffin and read the paper. Speaking of, ever notice how we don't even have a bookstore or reading establishment, hmmmm. Education and educated, lacking. Honey, I don't have to travel to billyburg, just give me some fucking decent neighbors with brains who pick up after their dog's slimy shit.

what bothers me is how some restaurants pretend to be sophisticated and city like by charging city prices, but more often then not, the food is of really low quality and tastes like its microwaved and the decor is even more often trashy.

i'm probably the only native nyer to bitch and complain about having a rent controlled apartment, shit.


Anonymous said...

"i'm probably the only native nyer to bitch and complain about having a rent controlled apartment, shit."

Oh, no you're not! With 7.5% increases a year, except for those couple of years that we got 13% and 16%, we're now paying more than those interlopers/transients who invaded our neighborhood and bring in those detestable restaurants, 99 cent stores, nail salons, cell phone stores and (who ever heard of them) banks.

When those freaks leave, we will be left with a slum.

Damn them.

kiss my asstoria said...

lifer, who are you? we have so much in common!

Anonymous said...

I knew it was only a matter of time till you started talking to yourself! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Its me again-the girl that left Astoria. I went back to visit my 'rents who still live in Astoria. A lot changed since I left when graduating high school and left astoria. Some new cafes/restaurants looked promising so I tried them.

1. Vegetarinism is almost unheard of it "greek places" Yes, the Vegetarian Times had a front page article about the large vegetarian options in Astoria but all that was mention was the "american places"
2. They looked down on me for not wearing their standard uniform of euro-trash clothes. Even had one girl I knew from high school asking me I can ot afford a "gucci purse" sorry bitch but I own my own home, you still live at home with your mommy and daddy and shop on canal street.
