bitching and complaining about the place we love most!

Friday, September 21, 2007

garbage cans, hello?

so i was just walking home through astoria, and was seeking desperately for a corner garbage to throw away my banana peel. guess what, THERE WEREN'T ANY FUCKING GARBAGE CANS! what is the deal with this? why is it that they exist everywhere else in the city? is it because people in astoria are poor and its way ghetto here? i was about to throw my trash on the streets, but that's what everyone else seems to do here and no one seems to give a shit! welcome to ASStoria, my hometown.


Anonymous said...

there trash cans all over astoria as far as i remember!

-born and raised in Astoria, currently living across the country, through another country and back to the US yep yep

kiss my asstoria said...

anon, then OBVIOUSLY you haven't been here in a while. currently, no one gives a shit about anything- like creating a safe environment for living.

kiss my asstoria said...

AND you ARE living across the country. Clearly you've left this dump for a reason. bet you'd faint from the regress.