kiss my asstoria

bitching and complaining about the place we love most!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

food that really sux here

i'm sick and tired of "foodies" pretending that there really is a decent bite to eat our here. please, i can't even get a good cup of joe, a decent muffin and read the paper. Speaking of, ever notice how we don't even have a bookstore or reading establishment, hmmmm. Education and educated, lacking. Honey, I don't have to travel to billyburg, just give me some fucking decent neighbors with brains who pick up after their dog's slimy shit.

what bothers me is how some restaurants pretend to be sophisticated and city like by charging city prices, but more often then not, the food is of really low quality and tastes like its microwaved and the decor is even more often trashy.

i'm probably the only native nyer to bitch and complain about having a rent controlled apartment, shit.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

we're back, baby

we were on a bit of a hiatus, not having time to transfer our verbal bitching bout this dump onto our blog.

asstoria does really suck, but come on- if we were to move to billyburg- i'm sure we'll be CONSTANTLY complaining bout those lazy assed hipsters and all their parent's money. besides, that was so east village 1999. at least we're paying peanuts to live in our light infested, spacious apartment.

duh, if we really had a choice and didn't care bout spending all of our legitimately hard earned money and our parent's too, we'd move back to brooklyn.

our most recent asstoria complaint? basically the same old shit, but my other half is bothered by the fact that we haven't heard any of that yearly christmas street music crap. i prefer silent streets, silent if only every other bass thumping vehicle weren't cruising for the local asstoria hoes, i mean residents.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

creamy dog shit

smeared all over the sidewalk- everywhere. enough said!
i could include photos, but would rather not.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

cars, cars and more shitty drivers

today while walking down the street, like a normal pedestrian, a fucking car almost hit me- ONCE AGAIN! i don't know how these fucking asstoria imbreds happen to pass their drivers tests. just walking down the sidewalk, and some stupid bi-atch speeds out of her driveway, with a fag in hand, and without a clue.

also, the same thing just happened to my other half. next time, i say, just walk around ready, with keys in hand. and when they get close enough- bam, you've keyed the paint off in a nice, even line.

my father says don't you dare do it because you never know whom you're dealing with. he recently spit on another car driving excessively fast, then the driver stopped and got out, pointing a finger at my father. my dad is fast on his feet- told this schmuck that he's always spitting and was sorry.

what do you think?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

mattress corpses

why is it that lately i've been seeing too many old, stained and yucky mattresses hanging out on the streets? could this be part of the bed bug revolution? is this only happening in asstoria? I've been really itchy lately.

Monday, October 22, 2007

greezy but goody

really did enjoy the pasta dish and the fabulous service at old school piccola venezia. there place is unlike any other, such fantastic & attentive service, even though i'm still mad about the parking situation they've created by using the street at their own.

Friday, October 19, 2007

no wonder

i have no friends on YELP: